FISH Community Table

Have you heard about our new mobile Community Table?

After learning about those in our county who are unable to get to our main food pantry, we knew we needed to find a way to go to them. 

With the generous support of both Robina Rich and the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, FISH purchased a box truck with the specific goal of taking food to those in our county who are underserved and food insecure. 

Through the purchase of our box truck, we can now go into the community twice per month. 

We are so thankful for the outpouring of love, generous gifts, and time from dedicated volunteers who are making this Community Table a reality for our wonderful county. 

You can come and see the new truck and take some food home to your family this Saturday, May 6th. We will be at the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Bluemont (27 Good Shepherd Road) from 9:00-11:00 am. We will have various food items (dairy products, eggs, fresh vegetables, and more). You can also join us for a warm breakfast (or take it with you to go). See you there!

We are also happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Power of Change program for our FISH Community Table outreach to our neighbors who are not able to make it to our location on Main Street. Thank you, Rappahannock! 

And thank you to one of our Board members (who wants to remain anonymous) for her time and dedication in applying for this grant. 

It is through the generosity of the Rappahannock Electric Cooperative member-owners who round up their electric bills through The Power of Change program, that the CARE Charity can award grants to non-profit charities. Together with this support, we can do great things for our communities. For more information on The Power of Change please visit  

If you have any questions or want to find out how to get food assistance or to volunteer with us, please call our helpline: 540-955-1823.


A Heartfelt Thank You to Gabriel Ignacio: A Beacon of Hope in Our Community


Newsletter—May 2022